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Stress Management Techniques & How to Overcome It - Ananthapuri Hospitals

Stress is often caused by being ‘here’, but wishing to be ‘there’.


When your body senses a threat, you may experience an increase in heartbeat, shortness in breath, increase in blood pressure or tightening of muscles. This reaction is known as a stress response.


We all experience stress, but stress isn’t always rough. A small sense of stress helps you perform under pressure. However, experiencing serious stress over a longer period of time can lead to depression, insomnia, eating disorders, panic attacks, diabetes, heart problems and so on. So it is very important that we know how to effectively manage our stress. 


Before learning to manage stress, it is very important to understand stress as well!

Knowing your stress triggers is the primary requirement for the reduction of stress in life. A trigger can be anything that activates higher levels of stress or tension in you. It can be environmental, emotional, social, or physical.
So recognise those triggers and do something to kill it before stress kills you! 

Mental health is just as important as physical health. If you are struggling to manage your stress, book a consultation today with the doctors from our excellent Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences Department. Call us at +919400332777 or visit our hospital at Chacka, NH Bypass, Thiruvananthapuram.