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Physical Changes During Pregnancy - Ananthapuri Hospials, Trivandrum

The feeling of having a human being growing in your womb is unmatched by any other. 

During this period, your body starts to alter its structure and functioning to accommodate the growing foetus. These changes develop right from the moment of conception until the time you stop breastfeeding completely. 


Take a look at some of the changes that your body goes through during pregnancy: 


  • First trimester: 

Your nipples get darker and swollen. You experience prickly sensations at times. If you have morning sickness, you experience nausea and vomiting.


  • Second trimester: 

Symptoms get stable and you start to feel the fetus more. Morning sickness ends around this time. Your body starts to gain weight during this period.


  • Third trimester: 

Your belly starts to grow rapidly, fetal movements become stronger, you experience backaches and bloating. Your breasts and nipples become larger.


  • After birth:

Breastmilk, colostrum (first milk) may flow within one to three days. You experience postnatal vaginal bleeding. Your womb returns to its normal size within about six weeks.



If you have no complicating factors, you will be expected to visit a doctor:


  • Until 28 weeks: Every 4 weeks
  • From 28 - 36 weeks: Every 2 weeks
  • From 36 weeks - delivery: Once a week


You need to inform your doctor if you experience: 

  • Moderate to heavy bleeding 
  • A sudden loss of fluid
  • A noticeable absence in the baby’s movement or Decreased baby movements
  • More than three contractions an hour


Ananthapuri Hospital has a specialised team of gynaecologists and obstetricians at your service. Call us at +91 9400332777 or visit our hospital at Chacka, NH Bypass, Thiruvananthapuram.