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Menstrual Cup - How To Use - Are They Safe? - Ananthapuri Hospitals, Trivandrum

Dr. Asha G, Consultant Gynaecologist at Ananthapuri Hospitals writes: 


“Amma, what is a menstrual cup?”, asked my daughter as soon as I returned home. 

“It is an alternative to pads and tampons, dear. Why ask?”
“My friend, Deepa, said she started using one. But how can you wear a cup inside you, Ma? “Won’t it hurt?”, she asked, with a spark of curiosity in her eyes. 

I am writing this article to introduce the menstrual cup, and to address a few common questions about it, to all the ladies out there. 

What is a menstrual cup?


A menstrual cup is a small, funnel shaped-cup that is used as a feminine hygiene product. It is inserted into the vagina during menstruation to collect menstrual fluid, unlike pads or tampons that absorb the fluid. This flexible cup, made of medical-grade silicone, is both eco-friendly and re-usable. It can hold more blood than other methods and hence you can wear a cup for up to 12 hours.


Menstrual cups are available in all medical stores and major supermarkets. They come in different sizes, shapes and colours. Before you buy one, find out what size fits you the best. 


Also, since menstrual cups are reusable and eco-friendly. Using it means that you are reducing waste and contributing to a healthier world.


How is a menstrual cup different from a sanitary pad or tampon? Is it safe? 

  • Pads and tampons absorb the menstrual fluid, while cups collect it
  • Menstrual cups are reusable, while tampons and pads are only meant for one-time use
  • Menstrual cups are much more economical than pads and tampons, over the long run
  • Menstrual cups are eco-friendly while tampons and pads not sustainable for the environment
  • Menstrual cups can be worn for around 12 hours, while tampons and pads need to be changed every 4-5 hours
  • Menstrual cups are safe to use in every way, while there is a lot of studies that have found  carcinogenic chemicals present in pads and tampons

How to use a menstrual cup correctly?

The most frequently asked question about menstrual cups is always about how to use it. For someone who has always used pads, using a menstrual cup for the first time may feel uncomfortable. Following these steps can make it easy for you



  1. Put the cup in boiling water and sterilise it for 5-7 minutes. 
  2. Before using the menstrual cup, wash your hands and the cup with warm water

  • Make sure that there is enough water to avoid burning of the cup at the bottom of the pan
  • Do not use soap to wash the cup. It can lead to vaginal infections.


There are different ways to fold your cup. The three most-used folds are given below. Find your favourite.


  • Punch down fold - Simply press down one side of the cup and fold over. It creates the smallest insertion area
  • Sevenfold - It is also known as the triangle fold. Fold your cup in half so that the lips touch. Now fold the right side downwards, such that a ‘7’ shape is formed with the lips of the cup. For a triangle version, bring the right corner down towards the base of the cup, creating a triangular shape
  • C fold - Hold the lips of the cup together. Now fold it in half and slowly bend the cup in half again lengthwise. You will see that it looks like a C. It creates the widest insertion area

NOTE:  Lubricating the rim with water or lubricants such as oil can help make insertion of the cup easier. 



  1. Relax your pelvic muscles
  2. Find a comfortable position. You can choose a squatting position, simply stand or put one foot on the toilet commode seat
  3. Insert the cup with the stem facing downward at an angle of 45 degrees towards the direction of your backbone
  4. Feel the bottom of the cup with your fingers to make sure that there are no bends or folds on the cup after insertion. The bottom should feel round or oval in shape
  5. You can hear a pop sound once it is placed correctly. If not, hold the base of the cup and rotate to ensure that it is sealed well
  6. Gently pull the stem downwards. If you feel resistance, a vacuum has been created and hence the cup is placed successfully.


NOTE: Incorrect insertion of the cup can lead to discomfort and leakage of the menstrual fluid.



  1. Always sanitise your hands before you come in contact with your vagina to prevent infections.
  2. Pinch the base of the menstrual cup
  3. Wiggle it back and forth to break the vacuum.
  4. Gently pull the cup out 
  5. Empty the cup into the toilet 
  6. Rinse, sterilise and reuse the cup
  7. Store the cup in the cotton pouch that comes along with the pack


NOTE: Forcefully pulling the cup out of your vagina without breaking the vacuum can damage the tissues in the vaginal wall. 

Can a menstrual cup get lost inside you?

Menstrual cups can't get lost inside your vagina. The cervix is an exit only path. The cup cannot move upwards through the opening of the cervix.


If you’ve inserted the cup correctly, you shouldn’t feel any discomfort. You can do your daily activities such as jumping, sitting, standing, swimming and so on without your cup falling out. If you’re having trouble with the size of the cup or wearing it, consult a gynaecologist. 


The Gynaecology Department of Ananthapuri Hospitals and Research Institute offers dedicated care with comprehensive diagnostic services and treatment facilities for women. Our highly experienced team of gynaecologists are always ready to attend to any of your medical needs. Your health is safe in their hands. 


To book an appointment, call us at +91 9400332777 or visit our hospital at Chacka, NH Bypass, Thiruvananthapuram.